Welcome To Ask Ericka

Ask Ericka is an advice column that gives my readers, fans, and supporters a chance to reach out with their personal questions and dilemmas. I am a serious minded individual. I always want to help those in need and because of my great insight about life I give great answers. I am not a licensed practitioner or counselor but I am someone who has had many experiences and have always been one that my peers have come to consult and counsel with. Ask Ericka is another way that I try to lend a hand to help those in need. In the event that you are struggling with a life-threatening or dangerous issue, I always recommend professional counseling as well.

The Robbin Hoods

Sunday, February 20, 2011


What do I do if I have a little sister who blames me for everything? My sister is so annoying. She is seven and we are always fighting. What should I do? My brother is always asking me for everything. He wants everything. What should I do?
Lil Ones

Dear Lil Ones,
I am the youngest of my sister and brother. I was the baby. I have heard that I was spoiled and I do remember getting on my sister’s nerves. I thought she was mean to me. What I know is that siblings don’t like each other just because they are related. Each child in a household has a different personality and they can clash. When you feel that there is a problem between you and a sibling, the first thing to do is to make your parent(s) aware of the problem and then deal with it two ways. First, understand that a younger child is more selfish and needy. They need attention, they want what they want. Sometimes you should give it to them. When you were their age, you wanted your parents to give you what you wanted, and sometimes you got it. One the other hand, you must be stern with children so that they understand that in life, you cannot always have what you want. People that always got what they wanted growing up, have a hard time as adults when they learn that this is just not reality. There are limits. So, make a time or schedule for yourself and share it with your younger brother or sister. Tell them the days when you will play with them, share with them, or let them in your room. Tell them the days that you will not. Make sure that they stick to it so they will know. That way you don’t always have to go to your parent. It is an agreement between you and your brother or sister, like a deal. Tell them that if they keep the deal with you, then that is between you two; but if they don’t, play with then you WON’T!


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Ericka Williams
Ericka Williams is a tour de force, a phenomonal woman. She is a compassionate person who not only cares about herself and hers, but she cares about humanity. All of her books are themed to show the unlimited access of human beings to redemption. She is a Christian, spreading the message that Jesus saves; no matter who you are, what you've done, or what other people think of you. She uses societal ills, her own experiences, and real situations that we all face, to show that their is a light at the end of every tunnel, if you take God's hand and let him lead the way. She may not fit the mold of a "saint", but she sure is a believer and she knows that we all only have the obligation to spread the Word, the way that we personally know how. Ericka Williams is a mother of two, an elementary school Language Arts teacher, an actor, a director, and a producer of short films. She is currently in the cast of The Cartel Publications, feature "Pitbulls in a Skirt" movie being released in the summer of 2011. She continues to write books, act, and prepare to fulfill her dream of having her books turned into films.
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